Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project aims to support the integration of Roma students into vocational education and training, facilitate their access to the labor market, and promote the inclusion of Roma. By providing peer support to Roma students in vocational education, the project aims to reduce absenteeism, facilitate their education process, and enable them to gain professional skills that are needed in the labor market.
The peer support model will enable Roma students (and volunteers) to acquire new learning approaches and outreach that will enhance their chances of gaining employment. The project will build best practices to serve as role models to motivate Roma students to enrol in vocational schools, and this will contribute to the innovation of vocational education and training. By providing new learning approaches and outreach, the project will encourage Roma students to take an active role in their own education process.
Media Education for Aware Adults
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The Action Plan for Digital Education 2021-2027 highlights the need for Member States to activate improvement paths to facilitate lifelong learning through the use of the digital network. For an individual, becoming a media literate (therefore being able to access the media, understand and critically evaluate its different aspects and contents and establish communications in different contexts) is nowadays an important prerogative to benefit from the numerous opportunities offered by the media company. Overall, promoting media education for a country means allowing its citizens to consciously participate in public life.
The situation forces us to rethink the way education and training are designed and delivered to meet the needs of a rapidly changing and increasingly digital world and has highlighted the need to strengthen the digital skills of educators who do not have the tools to support adults in this change process, and enable organizations working with adults to broaden their educational offer and have new open source digital tools.
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
2021-1-ES01 - KA220 VET-000028059
Neurodiversity Power project aim to raise awareness and understanding of Neurodivergent at work, to visibilize an increasing collective of people with another way of brain performance so to ensure their work inclusion in the best way.
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Heritage for Growth Erasmus+ project helps establish a new paradigm for upskilled pathways in entrepreneurial education by addressing the changing nature of ICT, with multiple users interacting with multiple technologies. Boosting green skills considering the 17 SDG and the EU Green Deal
3 key project results:
Developing higher skilled workers among VET trainers with selected digital tools and applications
Applying gamification to engage VET trainers with a new service design for the tourism sector
Design and delivery of a new tourism service prototype with a web-based app
C1: Intensive composite training in gamification to rewind the tourism service design
Accredited Erasmus+ Mobility project 2021-1-RO01-KA121-ADU-000006471 for Adult Education
2021 - Four series of participants attended four courses in Norway and Finland:
Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion
Design the Positive: Positive Thinking, Positive Communication, and Positive Organizations Spaces
Effective Organization Management
Interactive teaching - Educational games, Outdoor activities, New technology
The topics covered in these courses: organization management and leadership, diversity and inclusion, combating failure in education, informatics and digital learning, media literacy, pedagogy, and didactics, career guidance, and counseling. One workshop was conducted in Oradea by an invited expert from the Netherlands!
2022- Five series of participants attended courses in Slovenia and Austria, One workshop was conducted in Oradea by an invited expert from Spain!
2023 - Five series of participants attended courses in Slovenia and three series participated in job shadowing activities in Spain, Crete and Portugal.
The participants realized how important it is to foster diversity and inclusion, break the barriers and create a favorable working environment from the beginning, and they discovered what the challenges are in the management of the organization. The participants developed key competencies regarding civic attitude, digital literacy, cultural awareness and expression, personal, social, and learning, communication, and social skills.
ACCED - ACCelerating future EDucation online in the time of Virus
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The concept of traditional education has changed radically in recent years and especially in this global situation of the virus. The physically present teacher in a classroom is no longer the only learning option. Currently, students can access quality education as long as they have access to a computer. We can say that we are now entering a new era – the online education revolution. And the teachers, it means they can teach from anywhere, but the most important thing is to be prepared for it. Most teachers are focused on teaching techniques, curriculum materials, and test scores. Teachers focus on what the students learn and not on the real needs of the students.
We question: What type of frameworks can we use to scale up teacher professional development?
The answer: Many school leaders and teachers are focusing on whole child education, an idea that seems likely to grow in prominence in the future
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Context - Disability from light to severe affects one in six people in the EU, about 80 million people that often do not have the possibility to participate fully in social and economic life.
Objectives - the project aims to engage people with disabilities and raise their awareness of the roles that certain institutions play in the EU democracy and in their own lives as active citizens.
Needs for target groups - people with disabilities, workers, organizations, as well as disability experts, have different needs that need to be met.
The project will develop practical and theoretical tools to support disabled people in the workplace.
Guidebook of Inclusion, Good Practices
Work Days Kit
EFE_E-learning platform
EFE_ICT tool
PROTECT YOURSELF – cooperation mechanism to protect the environment
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Erasmus+ project aims to create a series of tools and resources to support adult education and to contribute to the development and expansion of their professional and educational know-how in the circular economy.
Critical thinking and climate change – understand the argument
Climate change protection debate
Plastic pollution
Increase the involvement of adults from partners’ countries to identify, analyze and evaluate the actions to be taken in favor of the climate;
Improve the level of key competencies of adult educators in formal and non-formal education to adequately contribute to the adults' critical skills development;
Enhance the capacity of adult organizations to help adults take action in favor of the climate and to fight climate change.
With the support of the Europe for Cirtizens programme of the European Union
ACTA Center is proud to announce a new project: TAS – Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs! Five project partners from four EU countries and one EU candidate country has launched the TAS – Migration Labs project in the framework of the Measure 2.3 “Civil Society Projects ” of Action 2 “Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation” of the European Union programme “Europe for Citizens”.
A total of 411 projects were submitted for the call of proposals for 2019 Measure 2.3: Civil Society Projects of the programme. Our project is nr. 10 among 29 that received funding.
Over the course of 18 months, the project partners from Romania, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Serbia will organize WorkLabs, debates and roundtables with aim to analyse historical experiences, narratives, misconceptions and stereotypes relating to migrants and refugees, xenophobic discourse, hate speech and anti-immigration propaganda. We will be looking into our own experiences of emigration to other countries, as well as our experiences, responsibilities and challenges as a transit or host countries in the past and current refugee and migrant crises.
Thesis Lab I - Online workshop
ACTA Center is pleased to invite young people, students and teenagers to its online workshop to discuss the migration phenomenon from different perspectives to understand the concept of migration through a complex approach that is meant to eliminate stereotypes and intolerance.
InnoSchool - Strengthening social innovation and entrepreneurial skills of students by initiating an innovative learning system
The project is co-financed by the Transnational Danube Program, Priority Axis 1 "Innovation and social responsibility in the Danube Region", Specific objective "Increasing skills for innovation in the social and business environment", with an implementation duration of 36 months, starting from September 1, 2018.
InnoSchool is the result of a process of capitalizing on the expertise of the 11 partners from, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary and the Republic of Moldova.
Within the project will be organized workshops, public consultations and joint actions with decision makers. Particular attention will be paid to piloting an innovative learning system in 9 European countries, 10 schools in each country, with a total target group within the project of 1800 students. 9 Curriculum Adjustment Action Plans will be developed in pilot countries representing the pillars for sustainability and transferability of InnoSchool.
The European Center ACTA launches the invitation to all high school education institutions in Bihor County, to register and participate in piloting the innovative ILS learning system, developed within the project.
Relivet-Reducing Early Leaving in VET
The aim of the RELiVET project is to identify the factors that lead students to drop out from regional VET schools in each participating country of the project as well as the existing training programmes for professionals regarding prevention techniques on VET and their contents.
Based on the research findings, partners will design a training curriculum for teachers in VET education, as well as for the special scientific staff involved in the learning process, on effective strategies for increasing graduation rates and student attainment.
The project « Challenges of Regional Centres: Depopulation Control, Development - best practices » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"
Project No. 595269-CITIZ-1-2017-2-LV-CITIZ-NT
Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 "Networks of Towns"
11 events have been carried out within this project
The project involved directly 294 citizens with a total of 36% of invited participants in the project events.
ESE - European Social Entrepreneur
DISEMEX and DISEMEX +East - Together to Inclusion
The European Center ACTA participated together with the partners of the Erasmus + DISEMEX-Disability EMployment EXpert project in the International Conference "DISEMEX + East - Together for Inclusion" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a program to expand cooperation with Armenian organizations, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia.
"EU for IT career" proiect Erasmus + Mobilitate pentru elevii din domeniul VET
Al doilea flux de elevi de la Liceul "Lucian Blaga" a terminat stagiul de formare in Portugalia........ ganduri exprimate in jurnalul sau de catre G.V.A. elev la Liceul Vocational Pedagogic "Nicolae Bolcas" Beius, participant la primul flux (18-29 martie) "participarea la un proiect Erasmus + este ceva ce nu trebuie ratat si daca aveti ocazia, recomand tuturor elevilor sa profite de aceasta unica oportunitate ".
RURAL TREASURES - Social Entrepreneurship-The Heart of Rural Development
Proiect Erasmus+ intalnire transnationala de proiect in Oradea
Multumim: Edubiz, La Femme Heureuse, Lavender Farm si echipei ACTA!
Am realizat o sesiune comuna de discutii cu participantii la cele doua evenimente.
Erasmus+ "Moon Climbers", Transnational project meeting in Oradea
ACTA Center in partnership with CSEI Orizont, hosted the transnational meeting of the "Moon Climbers" Erasmus project + strategic partnership for innovation and good practices.
Erasmus+ Study Visit "Models for inclusion. Special education- and project-based pedagogues"
The study visit was organized by the Romanian National Agency (ANPCDEFP) in partnership with ACTA Center and CJRAE Bihor and was attended by experts in the field of special education from Finland, Germany, Portugal, Poland and Sweden.
DeCoDe, Europe for Citizens program
The fourth international event of the DeCoDe project took place in ŁÓDŹ, Poland.
A thematic session on the exchange of experience between partners took place, as well as a debate and project activities on the structure of the action plan on depopulation control.